Welcome to Axolotlpi!

Yes, that kind of axolotl 🦎, and that kind of pi π. This blog is by Caleb Favela, a very unproductive and overly investigative, learn everything first, do everything later, web developer.

If you’ve benefited from his rambling and obnoxious idea knots he calls “blog posts” you may buy him a coffee. And while you’re at it, maybe tell him what you think about his “blog posts”, and his awkward use of the second person.

Goofy intros aside, this site is currently a bit of an experiment using NextJS and contentful. As I learn new things I’ll be writing posts of varying size here to help anyone who may benefit. 

Additionally, If you are looking for a web developer who’s not afraid of learning fast while doing the job right, this one here is your guy.